Samba-Festival Countdown July 11 – 13 2025
Every year on the second weekend in July, the International Samba Festival in Coburg attracts around 200,000 visitors to the picturesque Franconian town on the river Itz. What once began with a few thousand visitors is the biggest Samba Festival outside Brazil today. Born from a crazy idea thought up by the organisers Rolf Beyersdorf and Christof Pilarzyk 20 years ago, it has become a Festival with around 3,000 Sambistas, and in the meantime, well known far beyond the borders of Germany.
The “Coburg Cabana” is a mixture of street samba and large stages, of drum and dance acts, of indoor and outdoor events, of workshops and competitions, of tradition and change! In addition to many stars and guests of honor from Brazil and Germany, the Samba-Festival is primarily a meeting place for European samba schools and blocos. We stand for joie de vivre, tolerance, peace, as well as musical and cultural diversity!